“Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box. They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe” John Lennon
This is the second to last post in the series on nourishing the postpartum brain, adapted from Dan Siegel’s Healthy Mind Platter. This week I invite you to give your brain some downtime when you are non-focused without any specific goal, let your thoughts “meander like a restless wind”.
On The Mat–
Rather than trying to focus on the breath or movement, simply sit and receive whatever arises. When you feel the urge to move simply move your body with no predetermined asana or goal in mind. Allow your breath , mind and body to move, flow or be still. What happens? Does it surprise you?
Off The Mat–
Take your baby or child for an aimless walk around the neighborhood. Turn off your phone, take off your watch, don’t decide where you are going or predict what will be there. Look around with fresh eyes, tell your baby or child or partner what you are seeing. Does the nieghborhood look different? Are you noticing things you haven’t ever noticed before?
When I gave myself time without goal, what did I discover?
Let us know how it felt to unhook, and go fishin’.
“May we be safe, May we be happy, May we rest our minds”.
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