Come Home to Yourself
The Yoga of Parenting website is dedicated to all parents: may you be safe, may you be happy, may you be at peace.
The Yoga of Parenting
Part parent support, part yoga, part loving-kindness, The Yoga of Parenting is a program designed to help you integrate the best practices of mindful yoga and self-compassion with the latest mind-science research to transform the way you parent from the inside out. Learn More
Breathing Space for New Mothers
A gentle and novel guide to new motherhood – one that encourages women to take time to breathe, embrace their experience and be “good enough” – one yoga minute at a timeLearn about the BookRead Our Blog
Overheard the other day: two new mothers talking over double lattes. Very tired Mom says, “I fantasize about sleep the way I used to fantasize about sex.” More tired Mom replied, “I plan my whole life just hoping I will get some sleep.” Read the BlogBreathing Space for New Mothers
My new book, Breathing Space for New Mothers, will be available soon.Pre-Order Now!Endorsements: Breathing Space for New Mothers
If you’ve just given birth — for the first time or the eighth time — you can exhale now. Alison Rogers and Erin White are here and they won’t let you down. Breathing Space For New Mothers is exactly what you need as you stumble into this messy, chaotic, beautiful, sleepless, joyful, and confusing time called motherhood. No judgments, no hard-and-fast prescriptions. Just compassionate wisdom and practical suggestions on how to truly care for yourself.
Linda Sparrowe, author of Yoga Mama and Yoga At Home
I'm so grateful to have mindfulness resources like Breathing Space For New Mothers to recommend to my patients. As a reproductive psychiatrist, I'm always looking for ways to support women in their body-mind emotions and remind us all about the healing power of breath."
Alexandra Sacks, MD, Reproductive Psychiatrist and Author of What No One Tells You: A Guide To Your Emotions From Pregnancy To Motherhood
This is a wonderful gift to any new mother. When we cultivate inner warmth, kindness and health it not only helps us as mothers, but also helps everyone around us, including the new life we bring into the world. This book will help you care for your body with gentle yoga poses, and to relate to yourself with more wisdom and compassion so that your experience of motherhood is as fulfilling as possible.
Dr. Kristin Neff, Author of Self-Compassion and The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook
Breathing Space For New Mothers is not just a parenting guide, it's a life guide. This book is about cultivating a quality of being that allows us access to our deepest wisdom and intuition as mothers. Finally, a book that recognizes what is at the heart of parenting. The best thing we can do for our kids is be grounded and confident in our connection to ourselves and to them.
Hala Khouri, MA, Co-founder and Director with Seane Corn, Off The Mat, Into The World, Creator of Radiant Pregnancy Online Yoga Video
Breathing Space offers new mothers a mental shift — one that creates more room to trust ourselves, look after ourselves, and be ourselves even as we settle into this new role. It’s a slowing down for our racing minds and our wild expectations, and it is truly a gift.